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How to help
Sign the petition and share it on social media and by email.
Show your support by attending meetings, events and gatherings in support of the preservation of Juristac and Mutsun cultural heritage.
Spread the word to help build a larger groundswell of support for the protection of Juristac. Please encourage others to be actively involved. We need as many people as possible speaking out in support of Juristac and the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band, writing to the county, signing the petition, and showing up for meetings and gatherings.
Join our mailing list for periodic campaign updates and more ways to help. Please also “like” the Friends of Juristac facebook page and Protect Juristac Facebook page.
Sign up to volunteer in Santa Clara County by sending an email to indigenoussolidarity@protonmail.com . We need help doing outreach to collect petition signatures and spread the word!
San Jose: If you happen to live in the South Bay / Santa Clara area, email indigenoussolidarity@protonmail.com or "like" and message South Bay Indigenous Solidarity on their facebook page.
Watsonville: If you happen to live in the Watsonville / Salinas area, "like" the Friends of Juristac - Kallentaruk facebook page to get in touch with the support group based in Watsonville (previously the Mutsun village known as Kallentaruk).
Contact the Amah Mutsun [info@protectjuristac.org] if you have any specific offers of support or questions about what is helpful at this time.
Visit https://www.amahmutsunlandtrust.org/ and donate to the Amah Mutsun Land Trust
But most urgently:
Call, email, or write to Santa Clara County Planning Commissioners and Supervisors asking them to deny approval of the Sargent Quarry Project, protect and preserve Juristac, and recognize that Mutsun spirituality is equal to other religions of the world. Please CC emails to us at [info@protectjuristac.org]
Please also send a copy of your email or letter to us at [admin@protectjuristac.org].
Santa Clara County Planning Commission
70 W. Hedding Street, 7th Floor
San Jose, CA 95110
(408) 299-5770
Supervisor Mike Wasserman District 1 (Jursitac is located in District 1)
70 West Hedding Street, 10th Floor
San Jose, CA 95110
Supervisor Cindy Chavez District 2
70 West Hedding Street, 10th Floor
San Jose, CA 95110
(408) 299-5020
Supervisor Otto Lee District 3
70 West Hedding Street, 10th Floor
San Jose, CA 95110
(408) 299-5030
Supervisor Susan Ellenberg District 4
70 West Hedding, East Wing, 10th Floor
San Jose, CA 95110
(408) 299-5040
Supervisor Joe Simitian District 5
70 West Hedding Street, 10th Floor
San Jose, CA 95110
(408) 299-5050
All the above email addresses in a list: